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Automatic documentation generated with mkdocs#

Mkdocs is used in combination with mkdocstrings to automatically generate this documentation for the python classes and functions.

The mkdocs configuration file can be found here: backend/mkdocs.yml
The documentation files used to build the site can be found here: backend/docs/.

Build the documentation#

To build the documentation in a custom destination folder: mkdocs build --site-dir <destination-folder> The default folder is backend/site

serve the documentation with mkdocs#

mkdocs serve

For this to work you either have to install mkdocs and its requirements locally or connect the workspace in your IDE to the server docker/podman container.

Add a new python file to the documentation:#

  • Create a new file <django-app-name>_<python-file-name>.md in backend/docs/.
  • Edit this new file and add:
    • ## <django-app-name>.<python-file-name> Subtitle for this section
    • <django-app-name>.<python-file-name> The python file that will be read
    • More than one python file can be added to a single mkdocs .md file if needed
  • Add this file to to the mkdocs config file backend/mkdocs.yml
    • - <title>: '<django-app-name>_<python-file-name>.md'

Guideline for writing docstrings#

    """Description of the class or function    

        Param: description (The type will be read from the function definition)

        attr (type): description (For django models add the type here in the docstring)

        description (The type will be read from the function definition)

        Error-code: description

        Optional note

        Examples should be written in doctest format, and should illustrate how
        to use the function.

Click here to read more about formatting docstrings