Fall back to continue a block is case next_round data is missing
This data is normally provided in: result()
Source code in session/views.py
| def next_round(request, session_id):
Fall back to continue a block is case next_round data is missing
This data is normally provided in: result()
# Current participant
participant = get_participant(request)
session = get_object_or_404(Session, pk=session_id, participant__id=participant.id)
# check if this block is part of an Experiment
experiment_slug = request.session.get(EXPERIMENT_KEY)
if experiment_slug:
# check that current session does not have the experiment information saved yet
if not session.json_data.get(EXPERIMENT_KEY):
# set information of the Experiment to the session
experiment = Experiment.objects.get(slug=experiment_slug)
if experiment and session.block in experiment.associated_blocks():
session.save_json_data({EXPERIMENT_KEY: experiment_slug})
# Get next round for given session
actions = serialize_actions(session.block_rules().next_round(session))
if not isinstance(actions, list):
if actions.get("redirect"):
return redirect(actions.get("redirect"))
actions = [actions]
return JsonResponse({"next_round": actions}, json_dumps_params={"indent": 4})