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Result score


boolean_score(result, data) #

Binary score: return 1 if participant answered yes, 0 otherwise

Source code in result/
def boolean_score(result: Result, data: ScoringData) -> int:
    """Binary score: return 1 if participant answered `yes`, 0 otherwise"""
    if result.given_response == 'yes':
        return 1
        return 0

categories_likert_score(result, data) #

Translate the nth category of a dictionary of choices into n

Source code in result/
def categories_likert_score(result: Result, data: ChoiceData) -> int:
    """Translate the `n`th category of a dictionary of choices into `n`"""
    choices = list(data['choices'].keys())
    return choices.index(data['value']) + 1

correctness_score(result, data) #

Binary score: return 1 if the participant’s response is equal to the expected response, 0 otherwise

Source code in result/
def correctness_score(result: Result, data: ScoringData) -> int:
    """Binary score: return 1 if the participant's response is equal to the expected response, 0 otherwise"""
    if (
        result.expected_response == result.given_response
    ):  # TODO: raise exception if expected_response or given_response are `None`
        return 1
        return 0

likert_score(result, data) #

Translate the nth category of a Likert scale into n

Source code in result/
def likert_score(result: Result, data: LikertData) -> int:
    """Translate the `n`th category of a Likert scale into `n`"""
    return int(data['value'])

reaction_time_score(result, data) #

Return the difference between the configured maximal response_time and the participant’s reaction time (decision_time) If the answer of the participant is incorrect, return the negative reaction time

Source code in result/
def reaction_time_score(result: Result, data: ScoringData) -> float:
    """Return the difference between the configured maximal `response_time`
    and the participant's reaction time (`decision_time`)
    If the answer of the participant is incorrect, return the negative reaction time
    expected_response = result.expected_response
    json_data = (
    )  # TODO: raise exception if either expected_response or json_data is `None`
    if expected_response and json_data:
        time = json_data.get(
        )  # TODO: raise exception if json_data does not contain decision_time
        timeout = json_data.get('config').get(
        )  # TODO: raise exception if json_data does not contain config with response_time
        if expected_response == data['value']:
            return math.ceil(timeout - time)
            return math.floor(-time)

reverse_likert_score(result, data) #

Translate the nth category of a Likert scale into n_steps - n

Source code in result/
def reverse_likert_score(result: Result, data: LikertData) -> int:
    """Translate the `n`th category of a Likert scale into `n_steps - n`"""
    return int(data['scale_steps']) + 1 - int(data['value'])

song_sync_recognition_score(result, data) #

First step of SongSync scoring (used in experiment.rules.hooked and derivatives): if the participant gives no (timeout) or a negative response to ‘Do you know this song?’, return 0 otherwise, return the decision time

Source code in result/
def song_sync_recognition_score(result: Result, data: ScoringData) -> float:
    """First step of SongSync scoring (used in experiment.rules.hooked and derivatives):
    if the participant gives no (timeout) or a negative response to 'Do you know this song?', return 0
    otherwise, return the decision time
    if result.given_response == 'TIMEOUT' or result.given_response == 'no':
        return 0
    json_data = result.json_data
    if json_data:
        time = json_data.get(
        )  # TODO: raise exception if time or timeout are `None`
        timeout = json_data.get('config').get('response_time')
        return math.ceil(timeout - time)

song_sync_verification_score(result, data) #

Second step of the SongSync scoring, only happens if participant stated they know the song, used to verify that the statement was truthful. After continuation of audio, participants need to decide whether it was continued in the correct place. If answered incorrectly, this function modifies the reaction time score of the previous step.

Source code in result/
def song_sync_verification_score(result: Result, data: dict):
    """Second step of the SongSync scoring, only happens if participant stated they know the song,
    used to verify that the statement was truthful.
    After continuation of audio, participants need to decide whether it was continued in the correct place.
    If answered incorrectly, this function modifies the reaction time score of the previous step.
    previous_result = result.session.last_result(["recognize"])
    if result.expected_response != result.given_response:
        previous_result.score *= (
        )  # will raise exception if `previous_result.score = None`
    return None