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Question utils


question_by_key(key, questions, is_skippable=None, drop_choices=[]) #

Return question by given key

Source code in question/
def question_by_key(key, questions, is_skippable=None, drop_choices=[]):
    """Return question by given key"""
    for question in questions:
        if question.key == key:
            q = deepcopy(question)
            # Question is_skippable
            if is_skippable is not None:
                q.is_skippable = is_skippable
            if hasattr(question, 'choices') and len(drop_choices):
                for choice in drop_choices:
                    q.choices.pop(choice, None)
            return q
    return None

total_unanswered_questions(participant, questions) #

Return how many questions have not been answered yet by the participant

Source code in question/
def total_unanswered_questions(participant, questions):
    """ Return how many questions have not been answered yet by the participant"""
    profile_questions = participant.profile().values_list('question_key', flat=True)
    return len([question for question in questions if question.key not in profile_questions])

unanswered_questions(participant, questions, randomize=False, cutoff_index=None) #

Generator to give next unasked profile question and prepare its result - participant: participant who will be checked for unanswered questions - questions: list of questions from which to select an unanswered question - optionally, randomize order of questions

Source code in question/
def unanswered_questions(participant, questions, randomize=False, cutoff_index=None):
    """Generator to give next unasked profile question and prepare its result
    - participant: participant who will be checked for unanswered questions
    - questions: list of questions from which to select an unanswered question
    - optionally, randomize order of questions
    if randomize:
    for question in questions[:cutoff_index]:
        profile_result = prepare_profile_result(question.key, participant)
        if profile_result.given_response is None:
            q = deepcopy(question)
            q.result_id =
            yield q