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Participant views


current(request) #

Current participant data from session

Source code in participant/
def current(request):
    """Current participant data from session"""
    participant = get_or_create_participant(request)
    response = JsonResponse({
        'hash': participant.unique_hash,
        'csrf_token': get_token(request),
        'participant_id_url': participant.participant_id_url,
        'country': participant.country_code
    }, json_dumps_params={'indent': 4})
    return response

Get the participant reload url

Source code in participant/
def link(request):
    """Get the participant reload url"""

    # Current participant
    participant = get_participant(request)

    # Build url (hard coded server url)
    url = '{}/{}/'.format(, participant.unique_hash)

    # This is the original solution, but doesn't work with Nginx in production
    # As it requires the original server host to be passed through, which isn't the case
    # request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('experiment:participant_reload', args=(, participant.unique_hash)))

    return JsonResponse({
        'url': url,
        'copy_message': _('copy')
    }, json_dumps_params={'indent': 4})

reload(request, participant_id, unique_hash) #

Reloads participant from DB, based on id and hash

Source code in participant/
def reload(request, participant_id, unique_hash):
    """Reloads participant from DB, based on id and hash"""
        participant = Participant.objects.get(
            pk=participant_id, unique_hash=unique_hash)
    except Participant.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404("Participant not found")

    set_participant(request, participant)
    return redirect(settings.RELOAD_PARTICIPANT_TARGET)

scores(request) #

Current participant scores

Source code in participant/
def scores(request):
    """Current participant scores"""
    participant = get_participant(request)
    scores = participant.scores_per_experiment()

    return JsonResponse({
        'messages': {
            'title': _('My profile'),
            'summary': ngettext(
            'You have participated in %(count)d Amsterdam Music Lab experiment. Your best score is:',
            'You have partcipated in %(count)d Amsterdam Music Lab experiments. Your best scores are:',
                len(scores)) % {'count': len(scores)},
            'points': _('points'),
            'continue': _('Use the following link to continue with your profile at another moment or on another device.'),
        'scores': scores
    }, json_dumps_params={'indent': 4})

share(request) #

Shares the participant reload url by email

Source code in participant/
def share(request):
    """Shares the participant reload url by email"""

    # Current participant
    participant = get_participant(request)

    # Get email address
    email = request.POST.get("email")

        valid_email = True
    except ValidationError:
        valid_email = False

    if not email or not valid_email:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("email not defined or invalid")

    # Email parameters
    url = request.build_absolute_uri(
        reverse('experiment:participant_reload', args=(, participant.unique_hash)))

    # Send mail
            'Your experiment session',
            'Hi!\nYou can restore your experiment sessions in the future by using the following url:\n{}\n\nThank you for your participating in our experiments!'.format(
            'Amsterdam Music Lab <{}>'.format(settings.FROM_MAIL),
        return HttpResponseServerError("An error occured while sending the email")

    return JsonResponse({
        'status': 'ok',
    }, json_dumps_params={'indent': 4})