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Installing python packages#

If you want to install new packages, you can do so by adding the dependencies to:

  • for packages that are needed in both development and production

  • for packages that are only needed in development

  • for packages that are only needed in production

Then, run the following pip-compile commands to generate the requirements.txt files:

# update all packages for development
docker compose run --rm server pip-compile --output-file=requirements/dev.txt

# Install all packages for production
docker compose run --rm server pip-compile --output-file=requirements/prod.txt

This will check the file, and:

  • Check which versions are compatible with the current Python version
  • Check which dependencies are needed for the packages listed in
  • Update dev.txt and/or prod.txt with the required packages

Lastly, rebuild the server image:

docker compose build server

# or, if you want to run the server immediately
docker compose up server --build -d