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Managing the database#

The Docker infrastructure runs a PostgreSQL container. We can create backups of the database within this container, as well as restore the database.

Backup the PostgreSQL database#

Run the following command in the console to back up the database:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_dump aml -Fc > /backups/<filename>.dump"

Use this command to make daily backups, numbered by the day of the month:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_dump aml -Fc > /backups/backup-$(date +"%d").dump"

The backups are stored on the docker volume db_backup which mirrors /backups from the Postgresql container.

Restore the postgreSQL database#

Always stop the backend container first:

docker stop aml-experiments_server_1

Then drop, create and restore the database:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "dropdb aml"

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "createdb aml"

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_restore -d aml /backups/<filename>.dump"

Restart the backend container: (or alternatively rebuilt the containers as descibed above)

docker start aml-experiments_server_1

Backup the database to your local file system#

docker compose exec db pg_dump aml -Fc > db_backup.dump

Restore the database from your local filesystem#

docker compose exec db dropdb aml

docker compose exec db createdb aml

docker compose exec -T db pg_restore -d aml < db_backup.dump