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Forms and question widgets#

As mentioned before, a Trial may contain a Form, which present one or more questions to the user. We have a choice of multiple question widgets:

Initializing a Question#

An example of how a question is initialized in the Python backend:

question = RadiosQuestion(
        question=_('Does this sound like song or speech to you?'),
            _('sounds exactly like speech'),
            _('sounds somewhat like speech'),
            _('sounds neither like speech nor like song'),
            _('sounds somewhat like song'),
            _('sounds exactly like song')],
        result_id=prepare_result(key, session, section=section, scoring_rule='LIKERT')
The key is a short name of the question. With every question, we also send a result_id. This means we can already register information in the database, such as (in this case) the section this question refers to, or the scoring rule by which we assign a score after the participant gives a response.

Initializing a Form#

After defining the question above, we can then wrap it in a form as follows:

form = Form([question])