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Exporting result data#

Export raw result data in JSON format#

Using the admin interface you can export all relevant result data from the sessions of a specific block of an experiment.

To do so, navigate to localhost:8000/admin/experiment/ and click the Experimenter Dashboard button next to the experiment for which you want to export data.

Then, click “Export JSON” in the “Export Results” column.

After downloading and extracting the zip file you will have 7 JSON files containing the raw data as it is stored in the database by Django :

  • sessions.json - All sessions that were logged by running this block.
  • participants.json - All participants that started a Session with this block.
  • profiles.json - All profile questions answered by the participants.
  • results.json - All results from the trials of this block.
  • sections.json - All sections (sounds, images, stimuli, etc.) used in this block.
  • songs.json - All Song objects that belong to the sections that were used in this block.
  • feedback.json - All Feedback objects that belong to this block.

Format of the exported data#

Each file contains a list of objects, which are instances of a specific Django model, containing the data.

To link these objects together we use a field with a Foreign key which relates to the Primary Key of the linked object.

The Result model is used twice, for different purposes: - In profiles.json, which contains the profile (or Participant) questions. Recognizable by: - A foreign key value on the Participant field. - A null value on the Session field. - In results.json, which contains the trial (or Session) results. Recognizable by: - A foreign key value on the Session field. - A null value on the Participant field.


Contains a list of all the sessions that were logged by running this block.

Example of an object of the Session model:#
        "model": "session.session",
        "pk": 2173,
        "fields": {
            "block": 1,
            "participant": 425,
            "playlist": 2,
            "started_at": "2024-07-22T10:26:50.911Z",
            "finished_at": "2024-07-22T10:31:53.955Z",
            "json_data": {
                "group": "S1",
                "phase": "FINISHED",
                "choices": {
                    "A": "___",
                    "B": "___"
                "sequence": [4, 57, 51, 57, 12, 40, 35, 51, 57,  57, 35, 40, 33, 33, 37, 51, 13, 37, 29, 44, 37, 29, 4, 51, 57, 45, 45,
                            44, 12, 29, 57, 51, 35, 33, 51, 40, 44, 57, 4, 51, 37, 57, 57, 33, 40, 13, 13, 51, 29, 44, 57, 12, 51, 40,
                            12, 51, 37, 57, 33, 45, 12, 35, 45, 45, 44, 51, 13, 51, 51, 51, 35, 51, 4, 57, 57, 4, 13, 29, 57, 57
                "stimuli_a": "ORANGE",
                "experiment": "my_experiment",
                "pair_colors": "A = Orange, B = Blue",
                "button_order": "neutral",
                "button_colors": "Blue left, Orange right",
                "assigned_group": "Same direction, Pair 1",
                "training_rounds": 20,
                "feedback_sequence": [
                    10, 43, 51, 42, 9, 74, 75, 2, 31, 58, 68, 16, 8, 56, 69, 72, 70, 40, 35, 24
            "final_score": 78.0,
            "current_round": 101
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: The Primary Key of this session.
  • fields:
    • Block: Foreign key fk relates to the Block object. (
    • Participant: Foreign key fk relates to the Participant object. (
    • playlist: Foreign key fk relates to the playlist object. (
    • started_at: Timestamp logged on creation of this Session object. (Set in the timezone of the server)
    • finished_at: Timestamp logged on finishing the Session. (Set in the timezone of the server) This will be set to null if the Participant hasn’t completed the Session.
    • json_data:
      • experiment: Slug of the experiment that this block is a part of.
      • The rest of the data varies per Block type and generally contains configuration data sent by the backend, that is used while running this Block of the experiment. During the Session this data can be changed by the backend to log information on the progress of this Block and/or the user’s actions. This data can then be used to dynamically alter the course of the Session. e.g., The user can only continue to a next stage, when certain training trials have been completed successfully.
    • final_score: The final score calculated upon completion of the Session. Unfinished sessions will have a value of 0,0


Contains a list of all the participants that started a Session with this block.

Example of an object of the Participant model:#
        "model": "participant.participant",
        "pk": 425,
        "fields": {
            "unique_hash": "8ebd4a37-e969-4e29-a535-482dfe1dedc4",
            "country_code": "nl",
            "access_info": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
            "participant_id_url": "test_user"
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Participant object.
  • fields:
    • unique_hash: The unique hash code, for this Participant.
    • country_code: The participant’s country code derived from the ip address.
    • access_info: The participant’s browser and operating system info, as provided by the User-Agent request header, which is logged upon creation of this object.
    • participant_id_url: An optional custom identifier for this Participant, which is set through the URL of the experiment: e.g., localhost:3000/my_experiment?participant_id=<custom_id>


A list of Result objects containing the participant’s anwers to the profile questions in this Session.

Example of an object of the Result model:#
        "model": "result.result",
        "pk": 7983,
        "fields": {
            "session": null,
            "participant": 425,
            "section": null,
            "created_at": "2024-07-20T14:28:13.227Z",
            "question_key": "dgf_generation",
            "expected_response": null,
            "given_response": "gen_x",
            "comment": "",
            "score": null,
            "scoring_rule": "",
            "json_data": {
                "key": "dgf_generation",
                "view": "RADIOS",
                "style": "neutral",
                "value": "gen_x",
                "config": {
                    "auto_advance": false,
                    "listen_first": false,
                    "response_time": 5,
                    "continue_label": "Continue",
                    "show_continue_button": true
                "choices": {
                    "gen_x": "1965-1980",
                    "gen_z": "1997 or later",
                    "boomer": "1946–1964",
                    "silent": "1945 or earlier",
                    "millenial": "1981–1996"
                "submits": false,
                "question": "When were you born?",
                "explainer": "",
                "result_id": 7983,
                "min_values": 1,
                "is_skippable": false,
                "decision_time": 4.958999872207642
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Result object.
  • fields:
    • Session: Not used for profile (Participant) results.
    • participant: Foreign key fk relates to the Participant object. (
    • Section: Not used for profile (Participant) results.
    • created_at: Timestamp logged on creation of this Result object. (Set in the timezone of the server)
    • question_key: Unique identifier for this question.
    • expected_response: Not used for profile (Participant) results.
    • given_response: Participant’s response to the question.
    • comment: Optional comment, sent by the backend.
    • score: Not used for profile (Participant) results.
    • score: The scoring rule used to calculate the score for this Result.
    • json_data:
      • decision_time: Logged time in seconds. Measured from presenting the question until the participant’s response.
      • The rest of the data varies per Question type and generally contains configuration data sent by the backend to render a Question on the frontend.


A list of session Result objects containing the participant’s responses to the trials in this Session.

Example of an object of the Result model:#
        "model": "result.result",
        "pk": 8051,
        "fields": {
            "session": 2173,
            "participant": null,
            "section": 44,
            "created_at": "2024-07-22T10:29:57.720Z",
            "question_key": "choice",
            "expected_response": "B",
            "given_response": "B",
            "comment": "testing",
            "score": 1.0,
            "scoring_rule": "CORRECTNESS",
            "json_data": {
                "key": "choice",
                "view": "BUTTON_ARRAY",
                "style": {
                    "neutral": true,
                    "invisible-text": true,
                    "buttons-large-gap": true,
                    "buttons-large-text": true
                "value": "B",
                "config": {
                    "auto_advance": true,
                    "listen_first": true,
                    "response_time": 5,
                    "continue_label": "Verder",
                    "time_pass_break": false,
                    "auto_advance_timer": 2500,
                    "show_continue_button": true
                "choices": {
                    "A": "___",
                    "B": "___"
                "submits": true,
                "question": "",
                "explainer": "",
                "result_id": 8051,
                "min_values": 1,
                "is_skippable": false,
                "decision_time": 0.31099987030029297,
                "expected_response": "B"
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Result object.
  • fields:
    • Session: Foreign key fk relates to the Session object. (
    • Participant: Not used for trial Session results.
    • section: Foreign key fk relates to the Section object used for this trial. (
    • created_at: Timestamp logged on creation of this Result object.
    • question_key: Unique identifier for the Question type in this trial.
    • expected_response: The expected/correct response to this trial.
    • given_response: Participant’s response to this trial.
    • comment: Optional comment, sent by the backend.
    • score: The participant’s score for this trial.
    • scoring_rule: The scoring rule used to calculate the score for this trial Result.
    • json_data:
      • decision_time: Logged response time in seconds. The start time can either be set the moment the trial has been loaded, or set after the sound has stopped playing. In this example listen_first is set in the config of the widget, so the time is measured from the moment the sound stopped playing until the response of the Participant.
      • The rest of the data varies per trial and widget type and generally contains configuration data sent by the backend to render a trial on the frontend.


A list of Section objects used in the trials of this Session.

Example of an object of the Section model:#
        "model": "section.section",
        "pk": 21,
        "fields": {
            "playlist": 2,
            "song": 22,
            "start_time": 0.0,
            "duration": 1.25,
            "filename": "CAT/C3FcP1A.wav",
            "play_count": 31,
            "tag": "1A",
            "group": "CROSSED"
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Section object.
  • fields:
    • playlist: Foreign key fk relates to the Playlist object used for this trial. ( The Playlist object is not included in this export, as it’s merely used to create a collection of sections and in itself doesn’t provide additional data.
    • song: Foreign key fk relates to the Song object of this Section. ( A Song object for a section is only created if an artist or name is provided upon creation of the Section object.
    • start_time: The offset time in seconds from the beginning of the audio file at which the player starts to play this Section.
    • duration: The duration in seconds of this section. The duration of a Section is calculated when a playlist is compiled with the compileplaylist command, or when the Section is uploaded via the admin interface.
    • filename: The actual folder and filename, relative to the backend/upload folder, where the audio file for this Section is stored.
    • play_count: How many times this Section has been played.
    • tag: A tag that can be used by the backend to identify sections for different purposes. e.g., This section is the right or wrong response to a certain trial.
    • group: A tag that can be used by the backend to group Sections for different purposes. e.g., This Section belongs to the group of deprecated sections.


A list of Song objects that belong to the sections of the trials used for this Session.

Example of an object of the Section model:#
        "model": "",
        "pk": 52,
        "fields": {
            "artist": "P1 Training B-150Hz(4.6k)-220Hz(4.1k)-290Hz(3.6k)-360Hz(3.1k)-430Hz(2.6k).wav",
            "name": "C0T1B"
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Song object.
  • fields:
    • artist: The artist’s name of this Song.
    • name: The name of this Song.


A list of Feedback objects that belong to this Block.

Example of an object of the Feedback model:#
        "model": "",
        "pk": 1,
        "fields": {
            "text": "Lorem.",
            "block": 3
  • model: Name of the django app followed by the name of the model (or database table).
  • pk: Primary Key of this Feedback object.
  • fields:
    • text: The feedback on this block given by an anonymous participant.
    • block: Foreign key fk relates to the Block object.

Export selected result data in CSV format#

Using the admin interface you can export selected result data from the sessions from a specific block of an experiment as a CSV file.

To do so, navigate to localhost:8000/admin/experiment/block and click the Export CSV button next to the block that you want to export.

You will be presented with a screen that lets you choose the fields that you want to export, as well as the lay-out for the data in the CSV file:


  1. Choose the Session and related Participant fields that you want to export.
    • Click here for a description of the raw Session data.
    • Click here for a description of the raw Participant data.
  2. Choose which fields of the Result object you want to export.
    • Click here for a description of the raw profile Result data.
    • Click here for a description of the raw trial Result data.
  3. Select options to adjust the format of the exported CSV file.
  4. Select to include the session’s json_data field.
  5. Select to convert the session’s json_data field to seperate columns. The data in this field will vary in size per block type. Therefore converting this data to columns can in some situations cause the CSV file to become unreadable.
  6. Select to include the trial result’s json_data field.
  7. Select to convert the trial result’s json_data field to seperate columns. The data in this field will vary in size per trial type. Therefore converting this data to columns can in some situations cause the CSV file to become unreadable.
  8. Choose a format for the CSV file:
    • Long format: (default)
      • Each result is a row.
    • Wide format:
      • Each session is a row, each result is a column.
  9. Select a settings template here.
    • We have included a few templates of export settings for typical scenarios.
  10. Click to load the selected template. The selected options on the left will change. You can still select or deselect options before you hit the export button. (11)
  11. The export button! Click this button to download the CSV file from the server.
  12. Go back to the Block overview page.

The database structure#

[muscle_db_visualized click to open the image to enable zoom functionality

Note on Timestamps#

All timestamps in JSON exports are in UTC time. This ensures consistency across different systems and time zones. Please also note that the timezone for this application is configurable via the AML_TIME_ZONE environment variable and defaults to “Europe/Amsterdam”. To use a different timezone, update the AML_TIME_ZONE variable in your environment or in the .env file.

Look for the following lines in the file in the backend/aml directory:

USE_TZ = True
TIME_ZONE = os.getenv("AML_TIME_ZONE", "Europe/Amsterdam")