Custom questions#
You can add questions to the MUSCLE infrastructure through the admin interface.
In the admin overview, you can see the question app with three models:
Question Groups#
Question Groups are sets of questions which are predefined, such as “Demographics” or question sets from the Goldsmith MSI questionnaire. We recommend not editing these, but you can add your own Question Group if you want to reuse the same set of questions in multiple experiments.
Question Series#
Question Series are sets of questions you can attach to a given block in your experiment. If you click “Add”, you will see the following form:
You need to give the Question Series a descriptive name, and choose the block with which it is associated (important: the block will only display questions if its ruleset has a method that presents these questions to the participant), and an index, used for handling order if you have multiple QuestionSeries
attached to a given block.
You can also choose whether or not the questions in the Question Series should be presented in randomized order.
To add questions to the Question Series, you can either select from a list of questions, or add all questions from a Question Group. You can then remove or add other questions as you wish.
Questions are the actual question objects. Many questions are already configured. If you click “Add”, you will see the following form:
On the top, you can choose the language(s) in which you wish to enter the question. The languages that are shown can be configured through the MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES
settings in Django. Note that it is not necessary to provide translations, but that a question will be much more reusable if it has translations to multiple languages.
Enter a descriptive question key, e.g., favorite_food_open_question
. Note that the key can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
The Question is the actual question text that will be asked to the participant. Optionally, you can also add an Explainer with instructions to the participant, e.g., “Rate on a scale of 1 to 7”.
Indicate the Type of question, which influences the widget participants will see:
AutoCompleteQuestion will show a dropdown which will autocomplete if a participant starts typing
BooleanQuestion will show yes/no buttons
ChoiceQuestion will show a select menu (can be further configured as radio / dropdown etc.)
LikertQuestion will show a slider with different answer options
LikertQuestionIcon will show icons instead of text for different answer options
NumberQuestion will show a number selector
TextQuestion will show a text field - use this for open questions
Finally, you can indicate whether your question can be skipped by the participant.
Clicking “Save and continue editing” on all questions but TextQuestion
will bring up another menu:
You can select different widgets: - BUTTON_ARRAY: a horizontal array of buttons with the answer options (one answer possible) - CHECKBOXES: a vertical array of checkboxes (multiple answers possible) - DROPDOWN: a dropdown menu (one answer possible) - RADIOS: a vertical array of radio buttons (one answer possible)
For CHECKBOXES, you also need to indicate how many answers need to be minimally checked before the participant can click the “submit” button
Finally, you can add Choices, which are again a combination of a descriptive key (consisting of letters, numbers, and underscores), and a translatable text. The index controls the order in which choices will appear.