The admin interface#
After starting the containers through Docker, you can access Django’s admin interface. This is used to create and change playlists, and to set up experiments.
Navigate to localhost:8000/admin to see the admin interface.
Log in: - username: admin - password: admin
(This is set through the .env file. Obviously, these passwords are only suitable for local development!)
You can see an overview of different Django apps:
- Admin_Interface to customize how this admin interface appears to you
- Authentication and Authorization to give other researchers access to this admin interface
- Experiment to add experiments and experiment series
- Image to add images to be shown as logos or in experiments
- Participant with information of participants of experiments (automatically created)
- Question to add or edit profile type questions for participants
- Section with information of Playlists and Sections, which may optionally be tied to Songs containing artist/title information
- Session with information on experiment sessions (automatically created)
- Theme to configure backgrounds, fonts and logos used during an experiment